GIFs (A Variety-Take Your Pick)

This is my collection of various gifs that I have made. Some are from dramas, Lakorns, and movies. Feel free to snag away and use to your heart's content. I would love if you credit it me when using, but I am not going to hunt you down and beat you with my slipper if you don't. (I am too busy watching my lovely eye-candy and flashing abs) Comments are always welcomed. 

PS-Use of thumbnails instead of the actual animated GIF to keep this page from stalling. Wicked Ahjummas hate waiting for anything.

(To view the GiIFs, double click on the thumb nail and it will send you to the animated GIF to view)

Se7en - Better Together MV Clip 

This is the gif that I snagged from Se7en's recent MV. It is all about the eyes and lips since there were no naked abs in this one. 

Daring Women: The Body Flip

Here is a Gif of Sed from Daring Women being hit by a car. One of the Best body flips over the car to be seen in a drama.

Are You Hungry?

This GIF is a clip from the Chinese movie "Au Revior Taipei" and shows when the slow wanna-be gangstas are in the car with the cute hostage and the talk about being hungry.